We are excited to announce version 0.7.00 of CaseLocker, introducing the following major features. To learn more about a feature, select it's header to go to its help center article.
New Client Portal Design
On the new homepage, your law firm’s contact information and the client’s information is appeared first at the top of the page. Below that, a list of up to 3 forms the client needs to complete, up to 5 files your firm has recently sent, and the most recent message you’ve sent to the client. Full message history has been moved to a “Messages” page.
The forms page has been updated to prioritize focus on unsubmitted forms. Previously submitted forms can be viewed by the client by selecting “Submitted Forms”.
Full Message history has been moved to its own page. Clients can send new messages and view their message history (including messages they have sent from email, text, and within CaseLocker).
The Files page has been updated to introduce File Previews and Upload Confirmation. With File Previews, clients can view PDFs and Images directly within CaseLocker, without having to download these files.
Upload Confirmation prompts clients to confirm the files they have selected to upload, allowing them to review and remove any accidental file selections prior to uploading.
Automatic Form Messages
Send emails to a client the moment you add a form to their CaseLocker account, and send them a followup automatically letting them know their form has been received once they submit it.
Automatic Form Reminders
Send periodic reminders to clients to start and complete their forms, ensuring they don’t forget to submit a form they’ve started. Reminders can be sent from a range of every 1-31 days, a maximum of 10 times.
SMS Messaging
You can now communicate with your clients via SMS using a dedicated number for your law firm's CaseLocker account. Clients can reply directly to your text and their reply will go directly into their CaseLocker Contact profile.
SMS Messaging requires separate Usage Agreement and may incur additional charges, including a monthly number fee. Please contact support for more details.
Contact File Deletion
Contacts and Firm Users are now able to delete contact files. Contacts are limited to deleting only files they have uploaded, and only files that are not marked as read by the firm. Firms can delete all files in a contact.
File deletions are irreversible. Selecting the trash icon next to a file will prompt a confirmation before deletion.