To manage your users, navigate to your Organization Settings using the cog in the top right corner and selecting "My Organization". Then, select "Users" from the options on the left.
From here, you can create and manage users within your organization.
To create a new user, select the "+ New User" option in the top right of the Users page.
Then, fill out the requested information. The following fields are required:
- Username
- Temporary Password - A temporary password to allow the user to log in for the first time. You'll need to share this password with the user, and they will be prompted to change it the first time they log in.
While all other fields are optional. The Mobile Phone field is not currently used, and can be left blank.
Once you've filled out all required information, select "Save" to create the user.
To manage existing users, select the edit pencil in the user table for the user you wish to modify.
From this page, you can reset the password for the user, change admin permissions/enabled state, and manage notification preferences.
To disable a user, untoggle the "Enabled" option to disable and prevent that user from signing in. This will immediately revoke access to CaseLocker after you select save. Disabled users will have a red background in the user management table.