Answer Review allows you to make comments, highlight, and check answers to indicate review state. This is useful for internal review, and to indicate deficiencies or questions with a client's answers.
To control whether Answer Review is enabled or disabled in your browser by toggling the option at the top of any form.
(This toggle only disables the blue Answer Review bubble that appears when you hover over an answer. This does not disable the functionality for other users, and any highlights or comments will still exist on the form).
To use answer review, hover over any answer when Answer Review is enabled. A blue bubble will appear on the answer field. Click on the blue bubble to open the Review panel.
The panel that appears has two parts - status buttons, and a note thread.

"Needs Follow-Up" - This highlights the question in yellow, and adds an exclamation point next to the field. Useful to indicate that an answer requires followup or is deficient.
"Reviewed" - This adds a checkmark next to the field, useful to indicate that the answer has been reviewed.
If the answer already has a status, selecting the cross button (/) will clear the answer status.
These statuses will not be visible to the contact.
When using "Needs Follow-Up", a counter will appear counting all questions that require follow-up in the form, and within each section in the form.
Notes allow you to add comments to the field. These notes can be viewed by other users, but not by the contact.