To add a form to a contact, you can either do so in Bulk (using Bulk Form Importing) or individually at the Contact Overview page for the Contact you want to add a form to.
To add a form individually, click "Add Form" on the case overview and start typing the template name. Select the template you want to add when it appears.
As you type, templates matching the text you enter will appear in the dropdown list. If you see your template, you can select it here, or finish typing the name and press enter to select it.
Once a template is selected, click the "Next" button to begin adding this new form.
In the dialog that appears, you can set a party name, form number, and add tags to the form on creation.
The Party Name represents the party that the form is about, such as injured party or claimant.
The Form Number represents an identifier for this form, commonly also your internal case number/resource locator.
If the contact is operating as a representative, such as for a dependent, incapacitated, or deceased individual, you could enter the individual the contact is representing here.
The Form Tags field allows you to add tags to the form prior to creation. Learn more about Form Tags.
The "Copy CONTACT NAME Tags on Form" option allows you to quickly copy the Contact's tags onto the form.
Once all details are filled out, select "Save" to create the new form. This new form will appear in the Form Templates list on the Contact Overview, and in your Form search. If there are more than 5 forms already added to a Contact, you may need to use the pagination to see more.
To open the form you just created, click the name of the template or the edit pencil to open the Form.